About CSE
Cambridge Search Engine
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CSE (Cambridge Search Engine Ltd) is the company which originally started Camcity.co.uk, which later reincarnated as CambridgeOnline.co.uk.

With tens of thousands of pages of local information, a directory of over 4000 Cambridge and area Web sites, and over 20,000 user reviews on everything from restaurants and shopping to art and museums, Camcity.co.uk quickly established itself as the de facto Cambridge city guide and business directory.

Since launching Camcity.co.uk back in 2000, CSE has launched over 100 websites, of which most are local guides for towns and cities across the UK.

We have also acquired a number of geographical domains names on which to accommodate these city guides, such as Maidstone, St Helens, Kidderminster, Harrogate, and Middlesbrough.

For further details on Camcity.co.uk please see history of camcity.co.uk.

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