About Camcity / Cambridge Online
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Camcity.co.uk, a city guide for Cambridge was launched in 2000. Soon after its launch, the site featured a business directory which eventually grew to accommodate 4000 Cambridge-related websites organised into 800 industry, service and subject subcategories. The website rapidly became one of the most popular Cambridge websites on the Internet attracting 800,000 monthly page views.

Following the success of Camcity.co.uk we extended the scope of the website by launching a network of sister sites each focusing on different niches within Cambridge - a Cambridge pubs guide at CambridgePubs.com; a Cambridge Restaurants guide at CambridgeRestaurants.com; and an online dating site at CambridgeDating.com.

In 2005, Camcity.co.uk was rebranded as Cambridge Online, and its business directory was moved onto its own website at CambridgeDirectory.co.uk.

Cambridge Online now has tens of thousands of pages of information including 20,000 reviews of local pubs, restaurants and shops. The site is just one of over 100 sister sites in the Britain Online network.

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